Considering Nov. is almost kaput, it must be time for our Oct. news update. (Hey, this ain't
Time Magazine, okay? We catch up when we can.) We'll be brief and painless, we promise (and we'll also lower taxes, just so we're clear about what we mean by "promise.")
Fall was only beginning to show its orange warning cones when we left N/E U/L MI, but our autumn was stuck on slo-mo as we traveled south and fall continued to begin. (Our favorite time of year, so no complaints!)
Perfect weather to enjoy the Kendallville (Indiana) Apple Festival. Everyone in pioneer costume, apples the theme and main food ingredient everywhere, and rustic as all get-out. (What "got out" anyway?) Johnny (Chapman) Appleseed & Abe Lincoln are usually somewhere on the grounds, entertaining as they teach.
We always enjoy seeing other performers--some even use antiques instruments at events like this; but what fascinated us this time was a "ride"--a wood & rope contraption, with a hexagonal bench hanging from ropes on a giant maypole. The Boy Scouts build & operate it. Six brave souls, who haven't even signed a waiver, sit on the bench and hang on for dear life while a few big guys wind the whole giant macrame project up around the pole and let'er fly! It winds back & forth, rope and timbers and phys sics. It's 'way fun, simple as can be, & "green" as--well--all get-out.
In political news, we performed at the Indiana State Fairgrounds, where (then) presidential candidate Obama was addressing a huge crowd. Technically. Just not in that exact part of the fairgrounds.
When we arrived for the Senior Expo (yeah, that's more like where we belong, eh!) we were floored by the 1/2-mile long line of pedestrians waiting to get in. Folks must have heard we were going to play! We had no idea we would draw so many people! We soon learned the line went past the convention hall where we would be, to the next building, the stadium where Mr. Obama would be multiplying loaves and fishes or something. They had to have been there since 'way before we arrived at 8 am, and he wasn't speaking until 1! The cheers we heard from the Indy crowd (again, not for MWT) must have reached Ft. Wayne!
Our audience, just as diverse, was a little smaller, but very receptive. If you are over 50 and have never been to a Senior Expo, we encourage you to attend one. They are basically a trick-or-treating opportunity for grown-ups. It's free to get in (our favorite!) and the vendors are wall-to-wall with free stuff, drawings, games, and screenings, & most of them had a candy dish out front as well, so you can use the big bag they give you when you arrive to collect your booty. (Yes, your booty will grow.) Free diabetes testing and a sack of candy! Cool!
A big stage was kept busy with speakers & entertainment, which brings it all back to (our favorite) us!
We ended the month in Nashville, (Murfreesboro, actually) with our first ever Folk Alliance conference, where we met and heard some of the best talent the Southeast has to offer, and that's sayin' somethin'. We ate too well, shmoozed to our heart's content, & stayed up waaaay too late at the "guerilla" showcases (which start at 10 pm!) Them gorillas sure can pick & sing.
We also attended some very helpful, informative workshops on voice, website building, "home" recording, & touring tips. This took place within the facilities of MTSU, which has a huge department devoted exclusively to preparing students for the entire spectrum of the
music & recording industry. The physical plant is state-of-the-art and totally high tech, their staff shared invaluable info, & all the staging & sound was done by the world's first fraternity for recording industry students! It was a pleasure to see young people hustling to make showcases run smoothly. (Also kind of a pleasure not to be the ones hustling!)
We're looking forward to next October's SERFA meet-up in Mt. Pleasant, Arkansas.
Time to start working on to ya soon!